Meghna Manoj
2 min readSep 10, 2021



As I write now, my mind has been baffled since some time about what to choose and what is right for me. This is a confusion that comes at every point in every one’s life. Not that am the only one facing and having troubles with it. Every one does. But in different ways. For me, it has always been choosing between what I want and what actually makes my people happy. The truth is whenever I have take decisions to myself happy or see myself content, at some point I have regretted. Of course, such decisions have helped me evolve as a person and become slightly more understanding. But at the end of the day, the cost was too much to bear, in terms of mental drain and emotional exhaustion. When things strike you hard, you tend to change. Mostly for the better. Every day is some sort of a battle for me. Be it holding on to certain relations, or seeing my people happy and fine or even making myself fine. But at the end of the day, when I feel that I fought my battle well enough to face the next, I am satisfied. Facing obstacles or issues are difficult. Terribly exhausting it is. But worse is when you stand in front of the mirror and question yourself on why you ran away from it. Don’t let yourself do that to yourself. Fight it out. Cuz at the end of the day, even if you lose, you will be content that you fought your side of the battle well enough!

